5 Baking Peeves


Here are some of my baking peeves:


1. Sticky dough,

I mentioned this in my last post, "What would we do without flour?", that like sticky dough is absolutely the worst, and very annoying, especially when that means I have to take the flour I already put away. 

2. People coming and eating the raw batter, (Especially from the mixer)

Ughhh people do this all the time, I have the dough out and they just slide their finger across the mixing thing and eat it and I'm like "JFADFLJAKJ" But then...I do it too... But still annoying!

3. Obsessive  asking if the cookies are done

Because I have a little 4-year-old sister this is very common. I'll just put the first batch in the oven and she's like ""ARE THEY DONE YET???!""  And I just go "*Deep inhale* no." And then when they just come out she's like. "CAN I HAVE ONe??!!" And I go, "*Deep inhale* no." And then I have to explain that their hot and that they'll fall apart if we take them out right away (Because they cook while they cool, duh) 

4. Having the kitchen a mess before I start baking

Ok, so I always have to clean the kitchen before I bake because its always a mess. I CANNOT BAKE WITH A MESSY KITCHEN OK??? 

5. People always eating the chocolate chips

ok... I do this too... but like when I'm baking chocolate chip cookies they'll just come in and eat the chocolate chips and I'm like "ALSKDJFLKASDJL" 

Well, that's it for today folks, I might make another post of more later on but for now,

Bake on!

Signed, FIA


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